Quantification and Clustering of Inorganic Nanoparticles in Wastewater Treatment Plants across Switzerland
Mehrabi, K.; Kaegi, R.; Günther, D.; Gundlach-Graham, A.
Chimia, 2021
Building on a previous publication (see Mehrabi et al. 2021, Environmental Science Nano, https://doi.org/10.1039/d0en01066a ), Mehrabi and co-workers here focus on the treatment of large datasets produced with sp-ICP-TOFMS. They describe a new data analysis approach based on online microdroplet calibration of measurements performed with the icpTOF 2R, which enables automatic particle detection and elemental mass determinations. Using unsupervised clustering analysis with dedicated software, different classes of nanoparticles can be distinguished based on element compositions.
Their new approach of collecting and processing sp-ICP-TOFMS data allows the authors to perform high-throughput studies. An eventual aim of such studies is to establish databases for the identification of different types of nanoparticles.