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Chemical Imaging at the Nanoscale

Incorporate FIB-SIMS capabilities to your commercial FIB-SEM microscope for advanced depth profiling and secondary ion imaging

Advancing FIB-SIMS without Compromise

Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) is a well-established technique in which an energetic beam of ions sputters a sample, ejecting both neutral and charged particles (secondary ions). The fibTOF, a time-of-flight mass spectrometer dedicated to FIB-SEM microscopes measures sputtered ions and provides information about the sample. In combination with the FIB beam, SIMS exhibits great lateral and high depth resolution.

fibTOF Method
Integrating the fibTOF with a FIB-SEM microscope allows for SIMS measurements while maintaining high-quality imaging and SEM/EDX capabilities. The fibTOF’s time-of-flight mass analyzer captures a full mass spectrum, allowing for the identification of any ions of interest during data post processing.


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