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TOFWERK will join an international crowd of scientists and academic leaders at the 18th Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis (BCEIA) – October 23-26, 2019.  We look forward to showcasing our TOF technology, presenting Vocus PTR-TOF data at the adjoining conference, and meeting new customers, OEM partners, and distributors.


TOFWERK BCEIA 2019 Activities and Presentations

TOFWERK Booth 21146

We invite you to visit our booth to learn more about recent application data and discuss how your research could benefit from working with TOFWERK.

TOFWERK Vocus PTR-TOF Presentation

Check back soon for more details!

The Vocus PTR-TOF is a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer (PTR-MS) that is used for sensitive, real-time detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in industrial, laboratory, and field applications. The instrument combines TOFWERK’s novel Vocus proton transfer reaction cell with our high performance time-of-flight technology to offer you market leading sensitivity and mass resolving power.

Vocus PTR-TOF质子转移反应-飞行时间质谱仪专注于高灵敏度的挥发性有机物(VOC)在线检测解决方案,适用于环境污染监测,工业点源,实验室科研等众多领域。该仪器创新的整合了TOFWERK新开发的Vocus PTR漂移管和超高性能的飞行时间质谱科技,其灵敏度和质量分辨率在市场同等仪器中处于领先地位。

Learn More

Vocus CI-TOF Product Page

Webinar: Fundamentals and Applications of Vocus PTR-TOF